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In 2016, I was offered the opportunity to be trained as certified shift coach by the renowned New York based leadership and energy management expert Dr. O'Mara, PhD. During the shift coaching sessions I soon discovered that when we focus on supporting others, the benefits return easily to ourselves. Coach and coachee both become a better version by walking the shift journey together. It is a true joy to offer shift coaching sessions to people. Happiness is contagious. We are all connected.


The method is based on the SHIFT work by Dr. O'Mara, PhD.: a unique hi-impact 15 minutes coaching session using a four question process to help anyone get super clear and manifest a desired outcome in the quickest time as possible. Created by and CERT by Dr. O'Mara, PhD.

SHIFT Coaching sessions in four languages: EN-FR-DE-NL. For more detailed information about process, price and booking, please contact me by phone +32 487 75 91 12 or by email:

"Transformation literally means going beyond your form."

~ Wayne Dyer

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